Tuesday, July 16, 2019

           There are a few important concepts you need to understand before you build your own AngularJS app. I’ll give a brief overview and some links to more detailed information.

             MVC is a design pattern for implementing user interfaces. It helps us separate the logic in our code from how it is displayed. By doing this, we end up with a much neater, more testable application. If you aren’t familiar with MVC, check out this interesting explanation using lego.
General Features
  •  The general features of AngularJS are as follows:  AngularJS is a efficient framework that can create Rich Internet Applications (RIA).
  • AngularJS provides developers an options to write client side applications using JavaScript in a clean Model View Controller (MVC) way.
  •  Applications written in AngularJS are cross-browser compliant. AngularJS automatically handles JavaScript code suitable for each browser.
  •  AngularJS is open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world. It is licensed under the Apache license version 2.0.
  • Overall, AngularJS is a framework to build large scale, high-performance, and easyto-maintain web applications.

 Core Features.
  • The core features of AngularJS are as follows:  
  •  Data-binding: It is the automatic synchronization of data between model and view components.
  •  Scope: These are objects that refer to the model. They act as a glue between controller and view.
  • Controller: These are JavaScript functions bound to a particular scope.
  • Services: AngularJS comes with several built-in services such as $http to make a XMLHttpRequests. These are singleton objects which are instantiated only once in app.
  • Filters: These select a subset of items from an array and returns a new array.
  • Directives: Directives are markers on DOM elements such as elements, attributes, css, and more. These can be used to create custom HTML tags that serve as new, custom widgets. AngularJS has built-in directives such as ngBind, ngModel, etc.
  • Templates: These are the rendered view with information from the controller  and model. These can be a single file (such as index.html) or multiple views in one page using partials.
  • Routing: It is concept of switching views.
  • Model View Whatever: MVW is a design pattern for dividing an application into different parts called Model, View, and Controller, each with distinct responsibilities. AngularJS does not implement MVC in the traditional sense, but rather something closer to MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel). The Angular JS team refers it humorously as Model View Whatever.
  • Deep Linking: Deep linking allows to encode the state of application in the  URL so that it can be bookmarked. The application can then be restored from the URL to the same state.
  • Dependency Injection: AngularJS has a built-in dependency injection  subsystem that helps the developer to create, understand, and test the applications easily.
  • The following diagram depicts some important parts of AngularJS which we will discuss in detail in the subsequent chapters.

Advantages and disadvantages of AngularJS:

The advantages of AngularJS :
·        It provides the capability to create Single Page Application in a very clean and maintainable way.  
·        It provides data binding capability to HTML. Thus, it gives user a rich and     responsive experience.
·        AngularJS code is unit testable.
·        AngularJS uses dependency injection and make use of separation of   concerns.
·        AngularJS provides reusable components.
·        AngularJS viii  With AngularJS, the developers can achieve more   functionality with short code.
·        In AngularJS, views are pure html pages, and controllers written in JavaScript do the business processing.
On the top of everything, AngularJS applications can run on all major browsers and smart phones, including Android and iOS based phones/tablets. 
      Disadvantages of AngularJS :
Though AngularJS comes with a lot of merits, here are some points of concern:
·        Not secure : Being JavaScript only framework, application written in AngularJS are not safe. Server side authentication and authorization is must to keep an application secure.  
·       Not degradable: If the user of your application disables JavaScript, then nothing would be visible, except the basic page.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Angular JS - The robust Java Script Platform with New Features and Updates

AngularJs is a popular JavaScript-based open source web application framework that supports the development of rich HTML web applications. As a superior framework by Google which was launched in 2009, Angular JS has been created to make the front-end development procedure easier to manage. In the last few years, the growth of AngularJS has been unprecedented. The result is unlimited career opportunities available in the field for aspiring candidates. If you are also someone looking to make a career in this field, then its about time to get yourself equipped with Angular JS basics. The rising popularity of Angular JS has, in fact, made it an essential skill for web developers and project managers.


AngularJS to get one more major release

·        The JavaScript-based front-end app framework AngularJS is expected to get one more significant release this year. AngularJS has recently been pushed aside in favor of its successor, Angular, however, the Angular team realizes many developers still rely on AngularJS and does not plan to abandon the framework.
·        “We understand that many developers are still using AngularJS, and that the migration process to Angular takes time and energy, but we also are aware that developers want clarity on the future AngularJS development plans,” the team     
·        wrote in a post.                                                                                 
·        As a result, the team is currently working on AngularJS 1.7. This version will continue under development until June 30, 2018. Starting on July 1, the release will enter a 3 year long term support period.
·        “All AngularJS applications that work now, will continue to work in the future. All published versions of AngularJS, on npm, bower, CDNs, etc will continue to be available. Our data indicates that the majority of AngularJS developers are not adopting the latest version updates, so the transition to LTS will be inconsequential to those developers,” the team wrote.
·        After 1.7 is finished, the team will publish patch releases in the form of point releases until June 30. After July 1, the team will turn its focus to bug fixes that meet the following criteria: a security flaw in the 1.7.x branch; a major browser gets updated and causes AngularJS 1.7 apps to stop working; or the jQuery library releases and update that causes angularJS 1.7 apps to stop working.
Who Can Benefit From Learning AngularJS?

Learning AngularJS is most suitable for professionals in web development, testing, and project management. AngularJS has become one of the most sought java script frame works among the lot (React Js, Ember Js and more) because of its excellent and unique set of features. Some of these include:
·        Two-way binding.
·        Updated Http Client.
·        Angular universal state transfer API and DOM Support.
·        Better code sharing capabilities.
·        Handling dependency injections.
·        Enhanced standardization across browsers.
·        Inclusion of CLI 1.5 that will create Angular 5 projects by default.
·        The focused approach to building progressive web apps and material design capabilities.
·        Effective and faster rebuilds using a build optimizer that removes unnecessary code from applications.

For professionals who wish to make a stable career in SPA (Single Page Application),they can benefit most from the benefits of Angular JS.

How Can the Knowledge of AngularJS Enhance Your Career?

Below are some of the reasons why AngularJs knowledge is essential in advancing your career in the right direction:

1. Heavy Requirement of Skilled Angular JS Developers

Ø The rising popularity of AngularJs in the web development space has created a large number of jobs for talented professionals with any expertise in the field. There is no dearth of opportunities for professional web developers with AngularJs and Hadoop skills in their CV. A large number of enterprises are looking for such developers and project managers to be part of their growing talent base.

2. High Performance

Ø With a host of features and simple usage, AngularJS is undoubtedly the preferred choice across the development space. Acquiring AngularJs skills can help in improving the performance due to the smart yet dedicated features like Filters, API Client,Validations, Animations, Routing, and Content Sanitization. It not only saves a lot of time and efforts but also allows developers to do minor enhancements with ease.

3. Swift, Easy, and Straightforward

Ø Angular Js is an extremely easy, fast and straightforward to work with, JavaScript MVC Framework. All you need to use it is adding some of the features to the HTML language that equips you to build the desired application within no time. Angular JSC also assists developers to easily collect all the data to showcase on the screen.

4. An All-Inclusive Solution

Ø One of the best facets of Angular JS that can help you advance in your career is its inclusivity that provides a comprehensive solution for robust front-end development. As a web developer with Angular Js skills, you do not have to worry about the other modules and can comfortably develop useful web applications using JavaScript framework.

5. Excellent Future Prospects for AngularJS Professionals

Ø With rapid changes and new versions (Angular 2, Angular 4, Angular js5) coming up regularly in the AngularJS module since its inception, the sector is creating a lot of buzz offering excellent future prospects for the professionals. It not only guarantees fast and improved performance but also focuses on the progress of mobile apps.

Ø With no obvious disadvantages of this front-end web application framework, the angularjs is definitely worth considering as it can both add immense value to your functional CV and pays good remuneration as well.

The Future

Ø There is no doubt about the fact that Angular JS is a great investment for aspiring web developers. Enrolling for Angular Js training and acquiring the skills offered by the program can prove to be an excellent decision in the long term. It allows you to provide customized applications and gives you the ability to contribute to business progress.

Ø Irrespective of the fact that you're just starting out your career in IT or looking to enhance your skills sets to make a big leap in the existing one, web development training  is full of great opportunities. Learning the latest tools and techniques of AngularJs can equip you to make a smooth transition to a prosperous AngularJS career.